No New Wells in Signal Hill

The city of Signal Hill is just about 2.2 square miles (around 11,000 people), nested smack dab in the center of Long Beach. There are over 500 oil wells in Signal Hill, all of which are within the state-recommended 3200-foot health and safety buffer zone.

Upcoming legislation will ban new wells in this zone, but Signal Hill Petroleum is attempting to grandfather as many as 46 new wells in with an unprecedented 20 year permit extension. (You can read it on the city site here.)

The city’s draft environmental impact report is out, and we have until June 24th to give public comment.

Currently, the draft says that it is more environmental to drill for another 20 years than to not drill for another 20 years. Yikes! Maybe because the consultant doing the study has ties to the oil industry!

We need to tell the city that we will not accept this!

Email:  by June 24th using this template.

In your comments, please include your name, email address, telephone number, address, and an RE: Signal Hill Petroleum CUP 97-03 Extension EIR at the top of your comment. 

Want to do even more??

Join us for canvassing on June 22nd at 12pm and meet us at Long Beach’s Trademark Brewing (233 E Anaheim St, Long Beach, CA 90813). Also, sign our petition!

Neighborhood oil drilling exposes Signal Hill and Long Beach residents to toxic chemicals and smog-forming gases, which can cause respiratory illness, cardiovascular disease, leukemia, lymphoma, lung cancer, nervous system damage, reproductive and endocrine disruption, birth defects, and premature death. Neighbors to urban oil drilling suffer the most from these health effects. Even once a well is no longer active, it can continue to leak oil, methane, and other gases, leaving nearby communities at continued risk. Want to know how close you are to an active or idle well? This tool was developed to show the publics proximity to these toxic hazards.

Furthermore, oil drilling reduces home values. (Average home values in Signal Hill are lower than the surrounding communities.) As not only are homeowners exposed to toxins, but also in the last ten years there has been over a dozen hazmat spills in the area. One home even exploded in 2020!

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